
Data Governance Preparedness: Using Data Catalogs to Ensure Your Organization Has the Relevant Insights to Weather Any Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic caught global organizations of all sizes and industries by surprise. Many have suffered dramatically, some closing their operations permanently, while others have been able to adapt but not without challenges. In times of crisis, sound decision-making is paramount to short-term survival as well as long-term resiliency and it is reliant on timely

Data Governance Is Everyone’s Business

A New Age in Data Governance: Taking ownership of responsibilities and being willing to change are signs of maturity in human beings. As it turns out, the same is true of enterprises that hope to mature their approach to data governance. Everyone from executives on down will need to rethink their data duties and assume

2021 State of Data Governance and Empowerment

Organizations broadly agree that their data can be a differentiator and its effective use is existentially important. In fact, 84% of organizations agree that data represents the best opportunity to develop a competitive advantage during the next 12-24 months. Organizations understand that between the growth of data; the speed of data; the rate at which

What you don’t know about office 365 and azure ad

For over 20 years, Quest Software has added value to the Microsoft platform. They offer a wide range of solutions that complement the functionality that Microsoft provides, from streamlining the process of modernizing to newer platforms like Office 365 to making it far easier to manage and secure an on-premises, cloud or hybrid environment.

E-Book: Intent-Based Networking

This book waves away the fog to provide you with a clear under-standing of what IBN really is. You look at what intent means in the context of network operations and how an IBNS applies that intent to a network across its entire life cycle. You also delve into what features and characteristics an IBNS requires to fulfill its mission. You

Customer Engagement: la strada giusta per grandi risultati

Con l’intensificarsi della concorrenza per conquistare la spesa dei clienti, la Customer Experience sta rapidamente diventando un campo di battaglia per gli operatori retail. E con i confini tra negozi fisici e digitali che si stanno assottigliando, oggi i clienti si aspettano esperienze multicanale senza solucione di continuità indipendentemente dal fatto che stiano comprando in