Networks Whitepapers

A Practical Guide for Evaluating the Value of VCE Converged Infrastructure for Data Center Modernization

Cloud computing is transforming IT in terms of how services are delivered, how infrastructure is deployed and managed, and how IT organizations structure themselves. For the purposes of this study, Forrester is defining a cloud solution as having three major characteristics:“self-service access, full automation of processes and policies, and metering and tracking of usage.”1 It


Microsoft SQL Server 2016 brings a range of benefits for organisations, but don’t just take our word for it. Denny Cherry and associates have spent the past few months testing a beta version of the software and can provide insights into what the upgrade means to them. Discover an honest, independent opinion from personal experiences

Transforming Cloud Datacenter Security for Business Mobility Using Smart Networking

Organizations that invest in proprietary applications and data for competitive advantage in their industries only succeed by making those investments available to employees, customers, and partners that drive revenue and opportunity. Securing those investments requires a fresh perspective as the types of devices accessing the cloud datacenter are changing rapidly and new workloads, such as