
Why data center modernization is critical to business success

Pursuing agility to truly impact business transformation requires embracing data center modernization as a core competency. Crucial to this is having the most up-to-date IT infrastructure to support the scale and complexity of a changing technology landscape. Companies must embrace this imperative by adopting software-defined data center principles, embracing modernization, and automating their IT management

Distributed Energy Future Trends

We are still seeing that organisations which view energy as a strategic asset, rather than a cost, continue to outperform their competition—implementing more advanced energy solutions which help improve operational efficiency, better control business risk, improve resilience and drive enhanced financial performance. As the trend towards digitalisation continues, energy is becoming more fundamental to the

La velocità del cambiamento: Qual è la tua velocità?

La crisi pandemica e l’impatto del lockdown sono stati uno shock enorme per l’economia globale e per la nostra vita quotidiana. Mentre stiamo costruendo una “nuova normalità”, il fatto che dei disagi continuino sembra una certezza per ancora qualche tempo. Ingegnosità e capacità di adattamento saranno i fattori critici che decideranno il destino delle organizzazioni.