Customer Experience Whitepapers

2022 Contact Center Buyer’s Guide

The start of 2022 marks two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. And now it’s clear: The global pandemic has permanently changed the way we live, work and do business. Customer experience (CX) leaders are prioritising solutions that give organisations the agility needed for swift, sustainable differentiation — no matter what changes the future holds.

Five steps to master digital customer engagement

Digital customer engagement is evolving quickly. This year, customers will spend 25% more with companies that get digital transformation right. Web chat, social messaging apps and chatbots hold tremendous potential for customer engagement and support. But customer experience leaders often feel they’ve yet to realize the full potential of these digital channels. This ebook lays

Customer Engagement: la strada giusta per grandi risultati

Con l’intensificarsi della concorrenza per conquistare la spesa dei clienti, la Customer Experience sta rapidamente diventando un campo di battaglia per gli operatori retail. E con i confini tra negozi fisici e digitali che si stanno assottigliando, oggi i clienti si aspettano esperienze multicanale senza solucione di continuità indipendentemente dal fatto che stiano comprando in

Genesys Cloud: la soluzione di contact-center all-in-one e sicura

Le relazioni con i clienti possono essere complicate. La tecnologia non dovrebbe esserlo. La soluzione Genesys Cloud™ semplifica l’interazione con i clienti e i potenziali clienti. Realizzata per gestire qualsiasi canale, Genesys Cloud trasforma chiamate, e-mail, chat, testi e messaggi in una conversazione coerente e costante, consentendo ai team di offrire Customer Experience eccezionali.  

See Genesys in action

Make it easy to provide great CX. From call centre basics to the latest contact centre innovations, Genesys brings together everything you want in a single, proven platform. Experience a demo just for your business. No matter what size your company is or what customer experience challenges you want to solve, your demo will be