
Red Hat Pathway to IT Modernization

Over time, every IT portfolio gets bogged down in the chaos of servers, platforms, and software that make up the current IT landscape. Legacy systems, disparate architectures, and aging technologies slowly eat away at returns, reduce your ability to respond to shifting demands, and limit how quickly you can scale to meet new market opportunities.

Reap the Benefits of the Evolving HPC Cloud

Harnessing the necessary high performance compute power to drive modern biomedical research is a formidable and familiar challenge throughout the life sciences. Modern research-enabling technologies – Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), for example – generate huge datasets that must be processed. Key applications such as genome assembly, genome annotation and molecular modeling can be data-intensive, compute

2013 Cisco Annual Security Report

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of the rapidly expanding attack surface found in today’s “any-to-any” world, where individuals are using any device to access business applications in a network environment that utilizes decentralized cloud services. The 2013 Cisco® Annual Security Report highlights global threat trends based on real-world data, and provides insight and analysis that helps

Getting the Most Out of Your Next-Generation Firewall

Network administrators are encountering the highest levels of change in history as they attempt to balance security with productivity. Rapidly evolving business trends are challenging them to provide widespread but safe Internet access, allowing employees to use legitimate business applications while using their device of choice.

IT Audit Report – EMC IT: Leading the Transformation

EMC Corporation’s IT organization launched a transformational journey toward cloud computing beginning in 2004. In 2009, ESG published an initial audit of EMC’s achievements, documenting their impressive initial savings on equipment and power as well as improvements in productivity, efficiency, and resource utilization. We published an update in 2010 as EMC reached important milestones in