Strategy Whitepapers


Evolve to a Modern, Software-Defined Environment In the digital economy, IT has become a strategic weapon for businesses to stay relevant and competitive. The value of modernizing the data center is imperative, with virtualization across the data center and full automation. This enables IT to become more agile, efficient, and cost-effective in delivering IT resources

Disaster Recovery in the Age of the Cloud: An Opportunity for SMEs to Leverage Cloud Based Technology to Develop a Cost Effective and Robust Disaster Recovery Strategy

Of companies that suffer catastrophic data loss, 43% never reopen and 51% close within two years. Cloud-based solutions present a significant opportunity to SMEs to expand their disaster recovery strategies. This paper demonstrates the importance of disaster recovery, provides insight into the key factors that serve as the basis for disaster recovery planning, and outlines

Business continuity, cloud and recovering from disaster: a look at Microsoft Azure Site Recovery

Over the last few years, the concept of business continuity has become a popular topic for organisations. This is especially true, not only for corporates and global conglomerates, but for SMBs as well. Depending on the industry and sector in which these organisations operate, business continuity may encompass more than simply keeping the organisation going

Big Data in the Cloud: Converging Technologies

This paper describes how cloud and big data technologies are converging to offer a cost-effective delivery model for cloud-based  big data analytics. It also includes: • How cloud computing is an enabler for advanced analytics   with big data • How IT can assume leadership for cloud-based big data analytics  in the enterprise by becoming a

Planning Guide – Getting Started with Big Data

Why You Should Read This Document This planning guide provides background information and practical steps for IT managers who want to plan and implement big data analytics initiatives, including: Today’s IT landscape for big data and the challenges and opporunities associated with this disruptive force Big data technologies that comprise a flexible big data platform,