Management Whitepapers

The State of Virtualization: Overcoming Management Complexity Challenges and Benefits of Optimized Infrastructures

If one technology has changed how companies have done business over the past decade, it’s server virtualization. Virtualization has allowed IT to “run faster and jump higher,” offering IT capabilities that are not available with physical servers. Server virtualization has evolved beyond simple test and development environments to become an accepted practice, providing substantial operational

Noise in the Customer Service Center

As our recent noise at work study proves, it is a growing issue. Open plan contact centres only amplify the noise generated by multiple conversations and telephones ringing. So how big is the problem? Whom does it affect the most? And which headset technologies can you rely on to prevent background noise from affecting the

Building your brand around better service

The customer’s service experience is key to brand building The customer service centre has seen more change in the last five years than it has in the last 35 years combined. Thanks to higher customer expectations, multiple points of engagement, and the growth of social media, the customer service landscape is now more complex than

EncorePro 3Way Audio

Audio quality The expectations of customers have changed. The ways they contact you have changed too. One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of clear conversations. The Plantronics EncorePro® gives you the audio quality to have clearer conversations with your customers.

On the Path to Agility

Driven by a need for greater agility, a majority of organizations say they are embracing bimodal IT. This approach adjusts IT into two distinct modes: a traditional mode that emphasizes scalability and accuracy, and an agile mode that focuses on flexibility and speed. While enterprises plan to become more agile within three to five years,

Practical Options for Deploying Small Server Rooms and Micro Data Centers

Small server rooms and branch offices are typically unorganized, unsecure, hot, unmonitored, and space constrained. These conditions can lead to system downtime or, at the very least, lead to “close calls” that get management’s attention. Practical experience with these problems reveals a short list of effective methods to improve the availability of IT operations within