
Selecting a Field Service Management software

Today, most companies with teams of mobile field technicians are running some type of field service management (FSM) software. If the software plays its proper role in achieving business goals, your organization should be experiencing improvements in revenue generation, customer satisfaction, good first-time fix rates and high rates of technician utilization. If you are not

Why Omni-Channel without unified desktops remains multi-channel mayhem

With a multitude of customer engagement channels today, it is difficult for companies to know where to focus their efforts. Contact centers are trying, but failing, to modernize and deliver on the evolving expectations of today’s customers. This paper looks at the barriers which prevent companies delivering omni-channel service and then goes on to look

Three practical Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches for field service management

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will impact every industry and every business discipline—including field service management. But how quickly will practical solutions be available that enable the typical medium to large field service organization to take advantage of AI? And by practical solutions, I mean AI that delivers knowledge efficiently, processes solutions to complex data sets, and

Think you need a BYO strategy? Think again

Why is BYO strategy no longer needed? Device and app connectivity has dissolved the boundaries between “business use” and “personal use”. A digital workspace strategy helps resolve the issues that a BYO strategy cannot. Follow there five steps to move away from BYO and toward a digital workspace strategy.

Forrester – CIOs Need To Take The Lead On AI For Transformational Outcomes Across The Company

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is helping deliver revenue growth with better customer experiences, increasing innovation, and improving operational effectiveness. However, most firms are just getting started and many are pursuing a broad array of uncoordinated AI initiatives. Surveying respondents from large enterprises, Forrester uncovered some key insights.