
The Top Ten Most Forgotten Things When Building a Disaster Recovery Plan

Every IT manager knows the importance of having an effective disaster recovery (DR) plan. Hopefully your business will never have to experience a major disaster. But having an effective disaster recovery plan with sufficient documentation, adequate testing, and well trained staff will increase your chances of survival when faced with a minor or major catastrophe.

Five Steps to Determine When to Virtualize Your Servers

It’s not a question of “if” you should virtualise your servers; it’s a question of “when.” In this paper we outline five steps you should take to determine when to virtualise your servers. So, if you haven’t started using virtualisation or you haven’t fully virtualised your IT environment, following these five steps to determine when

Securing today’s applications

The What, Where and How of Application Security Why is application security such a hot issue moving into 2010 and beyond? Applications are becoming more pervasive, organizations are growing and implementing smarter software to support business process, product development and daily operations. The way businesses are dealing with their customers, their partners and their own

Secure by Design: Knowledge of threats and vulnerabilities

Historically, the design of IT infrastructure did not always account forthe importance of security. System qualities such as “fast, cost-efficientor highly scalable” were prized ahead of “secure”. However, as our world has become increasingly more instrumented and interconnected,the incidence of cyber crime and data theft have only increased. Now, customer trust has intangible business value,

Ecommnet Ltd. (Case Study)

UK-based Oasis Medical Solutions Ltd. engaged Ecommnet Ltd. to mobilize the test results component of its Patient Administration System in order to enable clinicians and other hospital staff to access and review test results more quickly on their iPhone. Faced with an extremely aggressive development timetable, Ecommnet deployed Sybase technology, SQL Anywhere as the data