
Mobile Collaboration For Dummies

A mobile workforce presents significant challenges for businesses. All those devices floating around the world have to be connected securely to the business network to avoid security breaches that could cost your company large amounts of money and damage your company’s brand. Mobile phone usage and roaming charges can spiral out of control. Your employees

The 7 Biggest Mistakes You Can Make in Web Conferences

This report won’t teach you how to be an effective presenter, facilitator, moderator, chair or meeting participant; rather, it assumes you already have these skills and can apply them effectively in in-­‐person meetings. Now we’ll look at how to transfer these skills to online meetings so you still come across as competent, professional and articulate.

Selecting the Optimal Path to Private Cloud

Cloud computing models offer a new approach for IT organizations to deliver business services to end users. By implementing their own internal or “private” cloud infrastructures, IT organizations can deploy a technology model that provides both flexible IT architectures and dynamic business agility. The private cloud model, once fully implemented, offers capacity on a pay-as-you-go

Vulnerability Management

The spectacular and headline-grabbing cyber attacks in which thousands of data records are stolen are in no way just the result of a stroke of genius from highly talented hackers. In fact they are increasingly brought about by criminals who have managed to get through without expensive equipment and professional programming knowledge. They use exploits

3 ways to save software costs

This paper discusses the potential for radically improving cost efficiency with a well thought-out Software Asset Management (SAM) strategy. It aims to improve understanding of the SAM discipline, including the challenges it poses as well as the tactical and strategic advantages it offers. And, it lays out a high-level plan for you to architect your

Forrester Report: Measuring mobile apps

Developers need to improve their mobile measurement savvy. Many application development professionals have little to no skills in collecting real-time and operational metrics; that’s usually been the province of infrastructure and operations pros. But such thinking is both antiquated and dangerous. As requirements elicitation shifts from long textual requirements documents and lengthy analysis phases into