
Software Defined Storage for Dummies

The rapid, accelerating growth of data, transactions, and digitally aware devices is straining today’s IT infrastructure and operations. At the same time, storage costs are increasing and user expectations and cost pressures are rising. This staggering growth of data has led to the need for high-performance streaming, data access, and collaborative data sharing.

Optimizing Customer Interactions through the Contact Center

IT managers must adhere to the rule of keeping it simple. While all IT departments are restrained in one way or another, SMBs find themselves doing much more with the same or fewer resources. Moreover, contact centers are one of the most complex business operations, technologically speaking, and IT managers are asked to help maintain

How Emerging Trends are Affecting Contact Center Operations

Contact centers are often viewed as the heartbeat behind an organization since this operation serves as the main point of connection between the business and its customers. As technology advances and customer demands change, contact centers must follow suit and adapt to new trends. The cloud, mobile devices and many other innovations have influenced the approach to contact center


The entire IT industry is evolving, whether organisations like it or not. The solution is clearly not wholesale adoption of any single model – public, private or hybrid; by the same token, neither can organisations bury their heads in the sand and rely exclusively on legacy systems and architectures. To do so simply increases cost

Architecting your Data Centre

With the increasing power requirements of today’s technology, highpower density configurations are critical to global businesses. It is no longer a question of whether people need to move to high-density solutions but how they implement such capabilities alongside existing legacy equipment.


Changing business and working practices make traditional, in-house application delivery less and less viable. The future is very quickly becoming the present – while people need to be able to work anywhere, they still have the same expectations on applications and services as if they were sitting at a desk in a central office. Too

Driving Business Optimization with End-to-End Performance Testing

The purpose of this IDC White Paper is to lay out the role that performance testing can play in the context of overall application lifecycle management (ALM), security, resource, and demand management. As part of that objective, the document defines an application performance testing framework and discusses a performance test evolution path and the relationship

The BlackBerry Upgrade: Are You Ready?

IBM MobileFirst services can help organizations that are struggling to decide what to do in light of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 platform rollout. These services help you determine whether you should implement the upgrade, or migrate to a new platform. They can also help you develop an overall mobile strategy, As a result of