IOT Whitepapers

Zscaler ThreatLabz 2024 Phishing Report

Armed with advanced tools like phishing-as-a-service kits and generative AI, phishing attackers are launching stealthier scams at unprecedented speed and scale. How can enterprises stay ahead of evolving phishing threats in 2024 and beyond? To help answer this question, the ThreatLabz team analyzed more than 2 billion phishing transactions across the Zscaler platform. Our findings

Wembley Park: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise brings smart city technology to next-generation living

Quintain was challenged to create a smart city environment with next-generation fibre-to-premises technology. To do this they needed to build a resilient service provider network to provide high-speed internet services with up to gigabit speeds, to the 7000 new homes, retail, and office buildings. In addition, an outdoor transmission network was necessary to provide connectivity

Smart highways reduce congestion and save lives

The proliferation of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) and advancements in safety that result from the technological innovations that are underway will be visible for all to see. These are outcomes that require transforming the existing foundation upon which ITS is built. Integrating the devices and systems that enable the ITS ecosystem to function demands fast,

The Internet of Things in Transportation

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to transform the transport industry by profoundly altering how transportation systems gather data and information by bringing together the major technical and business trends of mobility, automation and data analytics. IoT refers to the networking of physical objects through the use of embedded sensors, actuators, and other

Expert Discussion: Meeting Energy Industry Challenges with Open-Source Solutions

The energy industry is facing shifting markets, downward price pressure, climate imperatives, and cybersecurity concerns. The energy industry must respond with greater agility, flexibility, efficiency, and security to not just meet these challenges, but thrive. Modern software-defined solutions utilizing open-source software is the answer. Join this expert discussion with technology and energy experts as they