Management Whitepapers

Ilex- IAM challenges solved: 4 real examples

Four real examples of how organisations have solved identity and access management (IAM) challenges Choosing the right Identity and access management solution solves a variety of risk management, resourcing, control and compliance issues. Know who has access to sensitive data and applications Make passwords work for both business users and security professionals Maintain complete visibility

That Dreaded Day

Active Directory disasters can happen, and that dreaded day can arrive if you’re lacking protection in key areas. While Active Directory’s built-in features will keep AD running after some kinds of failures, there are others from which it cannot bounce back. This paper presents five AD disaster case studies and how they might have been

Audits, Compliance and Security: IT Pros share their experience

Changes to your Windows environment, whether unintentional or malicious, can be devastating to your organization’s network and applications if left unchecked. However, discovering the occurrence, source or patterns through event logging and change reporting over native or homegrown IT auditing tools can be time-consuming and sometimes ineffective. Dell ChangeAuditor 6.0 saves time and reduces risks

The Borderless Workplace

In today’s borderless workplace, work is increasingly flexible. Workers have more say in when, how and where they get work done. Here’s what organisations need to know to be successful in this new world of work.   Download the eBook to learn:   •              How to manage people and projects in the new world of

Breach Confidence Index

The Breach Confidence Index is a benchmark survey created to monitor the level of confidence that businesses have when it comes to security breaches. This report reveals the current level of confidence, the number of businesses owning up to an attack and the reasons they have suffered security breaches. The report aims to offer advice