
Defining the Future of Network Visibility Fabrics

Security and network performance tools are unable to or weren’t built to handle and analyze traffic at higher bandwidths. Read Enterprise Management Associates new research report, “Next Generation Network Packet Brokers: Defining the Future of Network Visibility Fabrics” to learn how to reduce unnecessary tool upgrades due to bandwidth increases — resulting in decreased costs, improved tool

ZK Research: How to Strengthen Security While Optimizing Network Performance

Download “How to Strengthen Security While Optimizing Network Performance” to see how next-generation network packet brokers (NGNPBs) mitigate security tool sprawl, simplify IT management and improve network availability. NGNPBs help align network and security teams by creating a single view of network infrastructure and data management. See why you should shift your infrastructure strategy toward

ESG Brief The Importance of a Common Distributed Data Services Layer

Read this ESG research brief to learn how to improve visibility across distributed computing environments without increasing staff or tools. Download “The Importance of a Common Distributed Data Services Layer” to learn why ensuring visibility in a distributed network environment is crucial and how a common distributed data services layer to collect, process and share

Scaling Network Security

Upgrading your network doesn’t have to be a big headache. Get the Securosis report Scaling Network Security and scale security controls and policy without starting over. Discover your options for improving security architecture on your terms, using existing infrastructure and intelligently applying security controls at scale without major overhauls. With this approach, your network protection

Security at the Speed of Your Network

Download “Security at the Speed of Your Network” to learn why organizations are turning to an architectural approach to improve security posture, reduce costs and eliminate compromise. Learn how to secure higher traffic volumes on networks up to 100G with no trade-offs between security, performance and cost. Download now!

Aruba ESP. Sfruttare la potenza dell’Edge

Ogni dieci anni circa, assistiamo a grandi cambiamenti nel mercato tecnologico. Negli ultimi decenni, i motori della trasformazione sono stati la mobilità e il cloud. Oggi stiamo entrando in una nuova fase di profondo cambiamento: l’era dei dati. Ma non stiamo parlando dei dati generati in un cloud o in un data center, bensì dei

Changing the way the world manages data

The way we manage data needs to change. The solutions of yesterday worked fine when we were talking terabytes of data but they are too costly, complex, and locked-in for today’s exponential data growth. It is projected that by 2025, world-wide data will reach 163 Zettabytes