
Deploying High-Density Zones in a Low-Density Data Centre

New breakthroughs in power and cooling technology allow for a simple and rapid deployment of self-contained high-density zones within an existing or new low-density data centre. The independence of these high-density zones allows for preditable and reliable operation of high-density equipment without a negative impact on the performance of existing low-density power and cooling infrastructure.

Electrical Efficiency Measurement for Data Centres

Data centre electrical efficiency is rarely planned or managed, with the unfortunate result that most data centres waste substantial amounts. Today it is both possible and prudent to plan, measure and improve data centre efficiency, thereby reducing electrical consumption and improving power densities, so that more IT equipment can be installed in a given site.

Creating Order from Chaos in Data Centres and Server Rooms

Data centre professionals can rid themselves of messy racks, sub-standard under floor air distribution, and cable sprawl with a minimum of heartache and expense. Whether the data centre mess is created over years of mismanagement or whether the cable-choked data centre is inherited, solutions for both quick fixes and longer term evolutionary changes exist.

Data Centre Projects: System Planning

System planning is the Achilles’ heel of a data centre physical infrastructure project. Planning mistakes can magnify and propagate through later deployment phases, resulting in delays, cost overruns, wasted time and ultimately a compromised system. Much of the trouble can be eliminated by viewing system planning as a data flow model. More inside.

Data Centre Projects: Growth Model

Long-term data centre or network room capacity planning may seem impossible in the face of evolving IT technology and business requirements. Nevertheless, data centre facilities have a lifetime that may span many generations of IT equipment, so planning – or the lack of – can impact the effectiveness of investments. This paper shows a simple

Virtualization: Optimised Power and Cooling to Maximise Benefits

Data centres are routinely and unknowingly missing a great portion of their entitlement from virtualization. Beyond virtualization’s undisputed IT benefits – from reduced rack footprint to disaster recovery – is the parallel story of a substantial benefit from optimising the physical infrastructure that supports it. More in this white paper.

Making Large UPS Systems More Efficient

As energy sources become scarce and more expensive, electrical efficiency is becoming a more important performance factor in the specification and selection of large UPS systems. There are three subtle factors that can materially affect a company’s cost of operating a UPS system and particularly the electric bill. This paper discusses common errors and misunderstandings

How To Run An Efficient Data Centre

In the recession, businesses face the challenge of achieving more with less. At the same time, environmental concerns mean that society as a whole must use less power and reduce its carbon emissions. With virtualisation, and newer hardware, the fact is companies can achieve energy savings at the same time as improving the performance of