Security Whitepapers


This white paper provides an overview of Okta Adaptive Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). For security conscious organizations looking to protect applications and data, Okta Adaptive MFA is a comprehensive but simple strong authentication solution that provides policy driven contextual access management, supports a broad set of modern factors, leverages big data insights across thousands of enterprises,

Bad Bot Report 2021. The Pandemic of the Internet

Imperva’s Bad Bot Report 2021 investigates the daily attacks that sneak past sensors and wreak havoc on websites. This is the 8th annual Bad Bot Report. It’s based on 2020 data collected from Imperva’s global network, and includes hundreds of billions of bad bot requests anonymized over thousands of domains. The goal of this report

Securing the DevSecOps Environment

Cybersecurity and secure software deployment are issues that cut across multiple sectors— aerospace, defense, energy, critical infrastructure, industrial automation, medical devices, telecommunications, and more. What these disparate sectors have in common is that a malicious, network-borne intrusion can cause untold damage, whether financial or physical, and even threaten human safety. Fortunately, there are security-strengthening techniques

Attacker Economics

Automated attacks are proliferating against organizations around the globe. As the cost and investment of launching these attacks continues to plummet, companies are increasingly experiencing credential stuffing attacks that can lead to account takeover and fraud. The ingredients required for these attacks—previously compromised consumer credentials found on the dark web, tools to orchestrate an attack,

Credential Stuffing 2021: The Latest Attack Trends and Tools

From the stereotypical loner in the basement to organized criminal gangs and nation states, attackers have become increasingly sophisticated over the past decade. They have the same skills, tools, and services at their fingertips as your IT teams do. This includes the ability to use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create sophisticated

The Industrialization of Fraud: Fighting Fire With Fire

The Industrialization of Fraud: Fighting Fire With Fire, commissioned by Shape—part of F5—and produced by Aite Group, discusses the sophisticated attack strategies employed by organized crime rings as they methodically and systematically leverage the vast amount of breached data to perpetrate financial crime. This white paper also provides a series of best practices that firms

Okta Access Gateway

Okta Access Gateway delivers Okta Single Sign-On and Adaptive Multi-Factor Authentication from the cloud to your on-premise web applications. Access Gateway supports the integration patterns natively supported by on-prem web apps – such as Kerberos, IWA, Header-Based authentication, and URL authorization – to provide security without requiring changes in their source code. Access Gateway acts