Marketing Whitepapers

Managing Web Security in an increasingly Challenging Threat Landscape

Mobility, social networking, cloud computing, and BYOD are all changing the ways that modern organizations are conducting business. Unfortunately, many organizations have embraced these trends without also adopting sufficient security measures, and cybercriminals have taken notice. This expert guide explores the changing threat landscape, and outlines key strategies for web security in the age of

A Framework for Adopting Macs into the Windows Centric Business

Enabling IT teams to successfully adopt Macs throughout the business by providing application compatibility and the best in class user experience while leveraging existing infrastructure and investments. The MacBook Air is one of the hottest selling notebook computers and is landing in the hands of corporate executives and travel prone users at an amazing pace.

A BLUEPRINT FOR SECURE MOBILE WORKSPACES: What Organizations Need to Consider when Implementing a Secure Mobile Workspace Strategy

The concept of “remote work”, or teleworking, has become an increasingly important concept for organizations attempting to become more flexible and agile, while driving down costs. IDC reports that there are 1.3 billion mobile workers today; that number is expected to grow to 1.6 billion by 2015. This whitepaper examines how enterprises can deploy the