Business Whitepapers

Silver linings from 2020, for the future of work

The metaphorical storm clouds that 2020 brought, undoubtedly contain business-critical silver linings. These will affect the way we all work going forwards in a positive manner. That was the general consensus from five leading technology directors who recently participated in the Okta-sponsored Hot Topics series: “Dynamic Work: Reimagining the Workplace”. Pre-Covid19, these five technology directors

Businesses at Work 2022

While 2020 kickstarted a mass wave of digital transformation across the enterprise world, the rapid pace of change showed no signs of slowing in 2021. To help strengthen long-term hybrid workforce strategies, secure data from growing cyberthreats, and to adapt to life after the pandemic, organisations of all sizes and locations once again turned to

The collaboration checklist

A big decision Collaboration software can do much more than simple messaging or conferencing. Choose the right platform and you’ll streamline and accelerate work across the entire company. But only if you make the right choice. These eight questions will help.

How Zendesk uses Slack

When technology is the core of your business, managing risk is a 24/7 concern. There are the big, infrastructural risks, like a complete outage of a cloud region. There are the bugs that might slip through and impact he customer experience. There’s the risk your data might be leaked, stolen or otherwise compromised. And for

Navigating the Disruption of Work

One of the many shocking things about a pandemic is how quickly the unimaginable becomes the inevitable. In less than 72 hours, even the world’s most traditional companies transitioned from office-based to working from home. Everyone could see that the word “work” was about to be redefined. The transition was head-spinning. In those first hours,


As pressure mounts to deliver great digital experiences, organizations face many challenges and many options. This paper introduces trends visible across multiple industries and the benefits cloud computing and edge computing can bring to the table. It details key computing options and differences and provides a background on types of edge compute. The discussion also

Mobilizing employee productivity in the distributed workplace

Technology and dispersion: Shaping the modern workplace Today’s workforce is radically changing. Fewer employees are working in traditional office spaces and the number of remote employees has grown exponentially. The world is more distributed than ever with offices, employees, and devices—forcing additional IT demands on your business. Against the backdrop of this physical work environment,

Traccia il percorso verso la personalizzazione con il modello di maturità dell’esperienza digitale

Utilizza il Digital Experience Maturity Model® (DXMM) per valutare e sviluppare la maturità digitale della tua azienda A prescindere se sei un leader/neofita dell’esperienza digitale o se sei nuovo del settore, pianificare una trasformazione digitale può risultare impegnativo. Per offrire una customer experience più lineare, personalizzata e omnicanale che ti permetta di raggiungere un ROI

Sitecore Experience Platform

La piattaforma integrata che consente ai brand di raccogliere e unire i dati, mettere in campo iniziative in base alle informazioni e connettersi con i clienti attraverso esperienze intelligenti e personalizzate in ogni canale. La Sitecore Experience Platform (XP) offre ai marketer tutto ciò di cui hanno bisogno: strumenti di marketing digitale completi, una visione