Business Whitepapers

Designing procurement to enable sustainability

The following Amazon webinar is now available, where you can learn more about designing recruitment processes to promote sustainability. The implementation of a more sustainable supply chain, as Amazon does, provides tools, standards, and resources to improve environmental, social, and economic practices throughout the chain.

2024 State of Procurement Report

Executive summary A note from Amazon Business Procurement is fundamental. Business buyers manage everything from day to day purchases to measuring sustainability to future proofing operations forlong term growth. It’s a wide spectrum of mission critical responsibilities, spanning all business functions. To achieve their ever growing list of goals, procurement is transforming at lightning speed.

Digital Optimisation Paves the Way to Strategic Supplier Management

Organisations have increasingly focused on digitally transforming their operations to increase efficiency, make better data-driven decisions and reduce costs. As organisations transform, procurement is often among the last operations to evolve. However, digital transformation is a growing priority for chief procurement officers, which prompts the question, to what extent are organisations using technology to achieve

Reinventing Procurement: From Cost Center to Innovation Driver

As a legacy function, procurement probably isn’t the first thing that springs to mind when discussing digital transformation. But now that’s changing with the growing recognition that procurement, when digitally optimized, has the potential to help organizations innovate, increase sustainability, and achieve their business objectives. In this Q&A, Todd Heimes, worldwide director and general manager

Webinar by WALLIX: IEC 62443 Compliance – A Blueprint for Securing Industrial Organisations

Register for the WALLIX webinar and you will be able to learn about: Introduction to the OT Landscape: Leading the opening session, Gwendal Azous, a specialist in Operational Technology, guides us through the complex landscape of the industrial sector, highlighting its distinct cybersecurity challenges and peculiarities. Assessing IEC 62443 Compliance: Guido Kraft, a seasoned Cybersecurity Compliance Expert,

Fire-up your trade marketing partnerships for greater success!

For your next marketing campaign, follow Budweiser’s example! With Weber by your side, increase your brand awareness, grow your market share, and reach new audiences! The results of this multi-country, multi-retailer trade marketing campaign speak for themselves: +140% in sales volume to distributors.+56% in sales volume compared to typical promotional weeks.The most successful Budweiser campaign,

Value Drivers for an ASM Program

Get the most out of attack surface management. Discover What Makes an ASM Program Successful Cloud and remote work have not only revolutionized the way business is done, but they have irrevocably changed attack surfaces. Assets move, change and appear constantly, and this dynamic nature means traditional manual asset inventory processes simply cannot keep up.