
A BLUEPRINT FOR SECURE MOBILE WORKSPACES: What Organizations Need to Consider when Implementing a Secure Mobile Workspace Strategy

The concept of “remote work”, or teleworking, has become an increasingly important concept for organizations attempting to become more flexible and agile, while driving down costs. IDC reports that there are 1.3 billion mobile workers today; that number is expected to grow to 1.6 billion by 2015. This whitepaper examines how enterprises can deploy the

Achieving Greater TCO Benefits Using a Secure Workspace Solution: Comparing TCO for Three Telework Approaches

An increasingly common trend in commercial organizations and government agencies of all sizes is “telework” – enabling employees and contractors to work remotely on a part-time or full-time basis. These teleworking employees and contractors need: • A reliable and secure work experience when away from the corporate office and when working on their personal or

DCIG Whitepaper: Imation RDX Solutions: A Scalable Approach to SMB Data Protection that Combines the Best of Disk and Tape

Data is an important business asset and small and midsize businesses (SMBs) recognize the need for a comprehensive data protection solution that is cost-effective and easy to implement and manage. RDX technology combines the best features of disk and tape offering the ease of use, shorter backup windows, and high backup and recovery success rates