The economics of IT risk and reputation

To measure the financial and reputational consequences of business disruptions caused by business continuity or IT security failures, IBM teamed up with the Ponemon Institute to survey more than 2,000 business continuity specialists and IT security practitioners. Read the research report based on this groundbreaking study for key findings that you’ll want to delve into,

Software Defined Storage for Dummies

The rapid, accelerating growth of data, transactions, and digitally aware devices is straining today’s IT infrastructure and operations. At the same time, storage costs are increasing and user expectations and cost pressures are rising. This staggering growth of data has led to the need for high-performance streaming, data access, and collaborative data sharing.

The BlackBerry Upgrade: Are You Ready?

IBM MobileFirst services can help organizations that are struggling to decide what to do in light of the BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 platform rollout. These services help you determine whether you should implement the upgrade, or migrate to a new platform. They can also help you develop an overall mobile strategy, As a result of