Aruba Networks

Aruba ESP. Sfruttare la potenza dell’Edge

Ogni dieci anni circa, assistiamo a grandi cambiamenti nel mercato tecnologico. Negli ultimi decenni, i motori della trasformazione sono stati la mobilità e il cloud. Oggi stiamo entrando in una nuova fase di profondo cambiamento: l’era dei dati. Ma non stiamo parlando dei dati generati in un cloud o in un data center, bensì dei

Prepararsi al workplace post-pandemia

Mentre le aziende guardano alle sfide che le attendono nel mondo post-pandemia, un’unica valutazione è condivisa da tutti: tornare a lavorare non significherà tornare alla normalità. Dopo mesi durante i quali il nostro modo di lavorare è cambiato, è difficile credere che l’ambiente di lavoro possa tornare quello di un tempo. La direzione è verso

Verso l’edge

L’esplosione del volume dei dati prodotti dalla rete impone di elaborarli, immagazzinarli e analizzarli in prossimità del punto in cui vengono generati, ovvero sull’Edge. Cosa pensano di questo cambiamento i decision maker IT (ITDM) e come si stanno preparando?


Wi-Fi has become such an amazingly successful technology because it has continuously advanced while remaining backwards compatible. The prior generation of Wi-Fi is known as Wi-Fi-certified 802.11n. 802.11n became popular because it improved performance significantly and aided enterprises in dealing with the rapid growth in mobile devices.

802.11ac In-Depth

Wi-Fi has become such an amazingly successful technology because it has continuously advanced while remaining backwards compatible. Every few years since the 802.11b amendment was ratified, the industry has released successive amendments increasing Wi-Fi data rates and capabilities, but even the latest Wi-Fi systems are able to interoperate with 1999 equipment built to the original

Top 7 Applications for 802.11AC Gigabit Wifi

Today we see 802.11n as the standard interface on PCs, tablets, smartphones and other networked devices. This proliferation of Wi-Fi interfaces means more mobile devices and their associated data (including HD video) find themselves on corporate networks, while the capacity and data rates enabled by 802.11n may at times seem barely adequate to support this

Enterprise Wireless LAN Testing

Novarum conducted performance tests with current enterprise 802.11ac wireless LAN systems from Aruba and Cisco. This testing goes beyond simple drag race throughput tests by looking at real world scenarios involving high-density throughput and client roaming as well as real applications including VLC media streaming.

Are You Ready for #GenMobile?

We’re on the move more than ever before: from increased global travel, to our escalating use of mobile devices on a daily basis. Let’s face it, tweeting on smartphones and browsing on tablets have become as much a part of our day-to-day routines as brushing our teeth and getting dressed. This increasingly mobile world has