Understanding Power, Factor, Crest Factor and Surge Factor
Download this white paper to discover the exact meaning and implications of the terms Power Factor, Crest Factor and Surge Factor, as used in specifying UPS.
Download this white paper to discover the exact meaning and implications of the terms Power Factor, Crest Factor and Surge Factor, as used in specifying UPS.
System planning is the Achilles’ heel of a data centre physical infrastructure project. Planning mistakes can magnify and propagate through later deployment phases, resulting in delays, cost overruns, wasted time and ultimately a compromised system. Much of the trouble can be eliminated by viewing system planning as a data flow model. More inside.
Long-term data centre or network room capacity planning may seem impossible in the face of evolving IT technology and business requirements. Nevertheless, data centre facilities have a lifetime that may span many generations of IT equipment, so planning – or the lack of – can impact the effectiveness of investments. This paper shows a simple
Data centres are routinely and unknowingly missing a great portion of their entitlement from virtualization. Beyond virtualization’s undisputed IT benefits – from reduced rack footprint to disaster recovery – is the parallel story of a substantial benefit from optimising the physical infrastructure that supports it. More in this white paper.
As energy sources become scarce and more expensive, electrical efficiency is becoming a more important performance factor in the specification and selection of large UPS systems. There are three subtle factors that can materially affect a company’s cost of operating a UPS system and particularly the electric bill. This paper discusses common errors and misunderstandings
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