
5 Essential Characteristics of a Winning Virtualization Platform

To meet the requirements of a dynamic business, your IT organization needs to deliver the highest levels of application performance and availability in a cost-effective manner. That’s the idea behind VMware vSphere with Operations Management™. vSphere with Operations Management offers you the world’s most trusted virtualization platform with critical operational capabilities for performance monitoring and

Understanding Real-time Log Analytics

Practically everything with a digital heartbeat leaves a trail. If you know where to look, nearly every bit of hardware and software in your enterprise generates a log file, which is a record of its status or activities. This machine-generated log file is stored in a file system temporarily and it can be dispatched via

Smart Ops: Reaping the Full Benefits of the Cloud

As cloud adoption becomes ubiquitous, IT infrastructures are becoming more complex. At the same time, the tools many companies use to monitor, understand and manage this complexity are falling behind the task. Legacy tools look at one element of the infrastructure—say, the server or storage—in a silo, unable to aggregate and correlate data across systems.

Simplify and Automate Cloud Management

Greater efficiency. Increased agility. Improved compliance. Reduced costs. These are among the benefits that organizations moving to cloud computing can achieve when they properly consider both how they will build and how they will run their virtual and cloud infrastructure. The right architecture and the right management approach are equally important because the way infrastructure

Drilling Down Further

Ideally, enterprises need to anticipate problems in the virtual infrastructure before they occur, but unexpected events do happen. You can mitigate this somewhat with real-time alerts, but in reality, this is only one component.

A Manifesto for Cyber Resilience

Cyber increasingly describes our work and play. Today, some 2.4 billion people, or 34 percent of the world’s population, spend growing amounts of time online1. As more of our lives—shopping, socialising, voting and learning, for instance—get transferred online, we need to be more conscious about how we are leading and protecting our cyber and real

Cost of Data Breach Study

Symantec Corporation and Ponemon Institute are pleased to present the 2013 Cost of Data Breach: United States, our eighth annual benchmark study concerning the cost of data breach incidents for companies located in the United States.

Preparing for future attacks

Recent malware incidents have shown how costly and damaging cyber attacks can be. The Stuxnet worm is believed to have significantly affected Iranian nuclear processing, and was widely considered to be the first operational cyber weapon. Shamoon was able to compromise and incapacitate 30,000 work stations within an oil producing organization. Another targeted malware attack

An Introduction to the Basics of Video Conferencing

In the next few years we shall see explosive growth in the use of video conferencing as a fundamental tool for businesses to enhance communication and collaboration between employees, partners and customers. The technology has developed considerably from early adopters to its current form of mass market roll-out. It’s anticipated that nearly half of information