
Why IT Struggles with Innovation and What to Do About It

Building applications for customer experience transformation, workplace innovation, process automation, and technology modernization is a complex undertaking that once took months to achieve — time that organizations can no longer afford. A modern application platform can simplify development without sacrificing governance, security, and reliability so your team can focus on those parts of your application

The Speed of Change: How Fast Are You?

The pandemic and a lockdown have had a massive impact on the global economy. Organizations felt the urgent need to adapt by significantly investing in digital transformation. Digital initiatives that once seemed impossible are now very real, and the key for your organization’s survival is exploiting digital solutions to increase speed and agility. Change is

La velocità del cambiamento: Qual è la tua velocità?

La crisi pandemica e l’impatto del lockdown sono stati uno shock enorme per l’economia globale e per la nostra vita quotidiana. Mentre stiamo costruendo una “nuova normalità”, il fatto che dei disagi continuino sembra una certezza per ancora qualche tempo. Ingegnosità e capacità di adattamento saranno i fattori critici che decideranno il destino delle organizzazioni.