A Closer Look at HP LoadRunner Software

The world is changing. The demand for faster applications has been growing over the years and it is hard for IT to keep up with the quality and performance required by customers. HP LoadRunner software is the industry-standard software for performance testing.

Make storage stress-free

You are likely faced with both increasingly demanding users and increasingly complex infrastructure requirements. At the same time, you are probably being asked to reduce IT costs without the help of added headcount. Are there times when this feels like an impossible mission?

Mythbusting ink for office printing

Read this whitepaper to find out about the most common myths for office printing, such as: MYTH: Ink in the office is too expensive. Not true – the cost savings can be significant •Up to 50% lower colour cost-per-page than competitive lasers1 •HP Officejet Pro products are ENERGY STAR® qualified, and use up to 50%

Rethink ink: A closer look at inkjet printing in the office

If there’s one constant in the world of IT, it’s that the workplace is changing. More than ever, IT needs to meet the demands of a highly distributed workforce that requires access to content and services around the clock and around the globe. And when it’s time to print, people expect the highest quality—with printing

De mythes ontkrachten omtrent zakelijke inktgebaseerde printoplossingen

In dit document worden verschillende mythes met betrekking tot printers behandeld, waaronder: MYTHE: Inkjetprinters op kantoor kosten teveel. Niet waar – de kostenbesparingen kunnen aanzienlijk zijn •Tot wel 50% lagere kosten per kleurenpagina dan vergelijkbare laserprinters 1 •HP Officejet Pro producten zijn ENERGY STAR®-gecertificeerd en gebruiken tot wel 50% minder energie dan kleurenlaserprinters 2 •Tot